Humming bird on the Humming bird bush

Humming bird on the Humming bird bush
One of my hobbies is photography and this is one of my photos.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


CONTROL. That is at the root of anxiety, panic and all the other disorders that are associated. I can remember quite a few years back at a dentist appointment when the dentist wanted to give me the laughing gas to give me the Novocaine shots so he could fill some cavities. I told him to forget about the gas and just stick me. He said that his wife was the same way and then he casually said that it was a control thing. That stuck with me because many of my fears were because I was afraid that I would not be in control or I would lose control in the midst of a panic attack.

Today I was talking with my friend who's daughter is in a deep depression. I am sorry to report that she is not doing well, has had to give up custody of her children and will now be placed in a state mental institution because there is nothing more the doctors can do for her. They have exhausted all medications and treatments and she is not responding. While talking to my friend she said that her daughter wanted to be in control, and that brought the memory of the dentist back again.

Unfortunately when in the midst of a panic attack one does not feel in control nor does one who is in a deep depression. It's hard to think because one feels so awful. In this case this poor woman has lost her right to be in control and make her own decisions because she is so bad off and she refuses to help herself. I understand how hard it can be believe me but I feel for her and her children.

Please Dear Lord send her some help. Help her to regain her mental faculties and crawl out of this deep pit she is in. Give her confidence, wisdom and strength to fight this horrid disorder and show her Lord that all is not lost, that You in Your infinite mercy are at her side and will always be. Give her hope again Dear Lord In Jesus name we pray. Amen

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